Sunday 27 January 2019

Operation Sea Lion Scenario 1

"Put that light out."

Scenario 1: Brandenburg Costal Raid

I blame Band of Brothers for this
Throughout 2018, Terry and myself had worked our way through the Battle of the Bulge scenarios. With the US forces having successfully broken out of the German pocket, our thoughts turned to what’s next. 

Operation Sealion.

Hitler’s plan to invade Britain. Something, he never put into action, but it’ll be good fun to see what if. So, after some planning, watching Dad’s Army (mainly on my part) and a bit of painting we gathered together to play the first scenario, Brandenburg Costal Raid. 
Walmington on Sea's finest

Terry and I had a discussion and we decided to add a bit of flavour to this scenario and we were going to add the night fighting rules. Our thinking was clear. It’s late in the night, the sun is close to rising, when the German’s attack is launched. 

The objective for the Germans was to destroy the British HQ, a lovely British cottage, with a beautiful sea view. The Brits had to stop them. I knew I was taking the British Forces, and having read through the scenario I decided the key to my success, will be having as many men on the board as I can.

So, three 10 man squads, a smaller 5 man home guard squad, made up of the Dad’s army soldiers, a MMG, and a officer and his man (Captain Mainwearing and Sargent Wilson look alikes no less) made up my 500 point force.

As per the scenario guidelines, I split my force into two. Three units would start on the board, and three off. I chose to set up the MMG, and the forces of Walmington on Sea. This was nothing more, than it was fun and looked awesome, seeing the Home Guard platoon patrolling. 

Turn 1:

 The early dice pulled were mine, and I decided to wisely put the squads, off the board, down, waiting to see how Terry would launch his assault. Meanwhile, off the coast, the boat’s came in on my right of the table. Deny, the MMG set up on my left of the table, valuable targets. 

Don't panic
With the boats successfully beached, Terry ran his forces up the coastal force. His lead assault squad, charged forward, and into a volley of shots from the Home Guard squad. As he charged, forward, a German was shot down. However, in response the squads Assault rifles, let rip and three men were mowen down from the Home Guard. A passed order test later, and the squad was going nowhere. Over the battlefield, all could be heard was shouts of “Don’t Panic”

Elsewhere the MMG, despite it’s poor positioning, was able to see Terry’s other assault squad, and let rip adding a hit marker and another dead German. 
Ring the bells, the Germans are here

The turn came to an end with Sargent Wilson heading to the phone box, and the words “Would you  mind awfully sending some reinforcements please. The  Germans are here". 

Turn 2:

  We rolled to see if dawn broke, but the night was still young. Terry, took the early dice and his assault squad and sabotage squad advance forward, pouring fire into the Home Guard squad. However, a combination of going down, cover, and poor dice rolling kept them alive, for another turn.

My first dice of the turn was pulled, and I tired to bring on a squad of the board, but I Fubar’d with a double 6. The squad was going nowhere, a blow to my plan. Meanwhile, my other two squads came on successfully, and ran forward to engage with the Germans that had appeared on the Right hand side.
Jones did not like it up him.

Turn 3:
Taking the first dice, Terry charged his assault squad over the hedge and into combat with the last two men of the home guard squad. It was inevitable, and despite shouts of they don’t like it up them, they were wiped out, earning Terry.

Meanwhile Terry moved two of his sabotage squads towards the edge of the house. Meanwhile, in the battle of the field, Terry’s squad had advanced towards the house, and into the line of fire of one of my squads later, they were still alive. But down to two men, and heavily pinned. 

Good news for me, saw the third squad advance on to the board, and in what will be a moment of tactical brilliance (what joy hindsight is) I advance them down the right hand side of the cottage, knowing that I might not be able to stop Terry getting to the cottage, but I can then charge them with a full squad. 

I was going to move my second squad forward, however it ended up under heavy fire, and losing four men. Even advancing my captain to help, reduce the pin markers, didn’t help. 

The final man, from Terry’s assault squad was cut down by the MMG.

Turn 4:
The dark was starting to get lighter, but the sun was still a long way off. 

Fix bayonets, and charge. 
Things started well for Terry, and he was able to get the first of his sabotage squads into contact with the building. A quick read of the rules for demolition charges (found in Operation Sealion, just don’t ask me to pronounce them) and I could breathe, he had to be in base contact at the start of the turn. 

The next dice was mine, and the saboteur life was cut short under a hail of fire. Meanwhile, Terry, moved his two remaining saboteurs squads towards the cottage. Along, with the lieutenant, and the final squad. 

Turn 5:
Finally, the sun rose, revealing the true extant of the danger to the British forces, the saboteurs were lighting the fuse. It went off with a huge bang, but the building stood firm. 
It's not going to end well for the Germans.

To counter this, the third squad charged the saboteurs and wiped them out. They decided, to stay put, causing a nice blockage between Terry’s third, and final sabotuers squad. 

Their was an exchange of fire, between the first squd, and Terry’s final assault squad, but with little result. The final action of the turn, was to see if the second squad, missing 4 men, and having four pin markers would do anything, and they decided to hunker down for a cup of tea, behind the hedge.

As turn 5 came to a close, we rolled to see if there would be a final turn. With a roll of a two,

Final score.

David 9 Terry 1

It does sound a very comprehensive drubbing of the german forces, however, there were two moments where I though the game had been lost. The first was when my squad, on turn 2, decided not to turn up. However, the fact they came in on the next turn, allowed me to send them in a different direction, that I would have done and I think helped me win the game.

The second moment, was when Terry detonated the bomb, trying to bring down the building. If he had been successful, he would have gain 5 victory, points, and I would have lost 3, making it a 6-6 and a draw. 

However, I’ve won, and I’ve gained 3 campaign points. Now, time to decide what German forces I want to use.