Monday 6 April 2020

March update

So, March, is done and really not a lot more gaming happened after my last post. Covid has struck the UK, and since my last post and game, I'm now working at home, and gaming has stopped full stop. 

However painting has not hampered by the pandemic, and by the end of March, I had painted up 225 models this year. It's a good haul, and has seen me paint a unit of Russian Grenadiers (Russian and Crimea Grenadiers), Uruk Hai swordsmen and pikemen that I've had on the bench for at least a decade, and a unit of Chaos Marauders dedicated to Khorne. These last were built from the Blood Reavers that game in the first AoS box set. 

So, the pile of unpainted lead has decreased by 2.54%, which is awesome. So, April is now in full swing and I've set myself a target of trying to paint up the Mordor Orcs I brought from GW last year in one of their made to order weeks. This is a nice 36 models, and try and make sure that I've painted everything I've brought this year. 

This year, I've purchased 60 models (manufactures closing has helped stem the purchasing) and so it's not an impossible task to get through. At the time of writing, 20 of the Orcs are now done, and 14 of the purchased models are done. Things can look up. 

The longer the work from home continues, the more likely I'm going to be at exceeding this years target. I was aiming for over 500 models, or to have painted two models every day (732 models) but I'm wondering if I can get to a 1000 models painted this year. 

We'll see how it goes.