Tuesday 27 October 2020

Update time

 So, it's been a while since I've updated, and in that time, we've been in a pandemic, stuck in Lockdown. So I've been using my time productively and painted, a lot. You can see the Footsore Minotaur to the left, which is one of my more recently painted models. At the time of writing, I've been able to paint over 10% of my miniature collection this year. 

You'll understand how big a number that is when I tell you that I've painted over a 1000 models this year, and I'm on track to hit my target of 4 models painted for each day of the year. 

What have I been painting. A whole mix really, my Russian Napolenoic's have come along nicely. In fact, I had the nasty shock of finding that I had 2 more units that I was aware of. It's a nice find, up until you add them on to your spreadsheet. 

I've had some Warlord plastic ECW, which I brought as part of a bargain at Salute a few years back. I've had a Scott's force for years, but I'm now painting up a royalist force to add to our combined troops.

Finally, I've been painting a lot of Lord of the Rings and making a good headway on the Pelennor Fields project. Haradrim, Riders of Rohan, Corsairs all painted, and ready for the table top. 

2020 has been a bad year, but being able to get so many models finished, has been a highlight. 

Coming soon to a 40K table near you..... Necrons

 So, like a lot of you, earlier in the year I was able to pick up a copy of the new 40K big box, Indomitus. I was one of the fortunate few to get a copy in the early release and didn’t have to wait for it to arrive under a Made to Order (well done GW for sorting out that issue). In the box, you get some Space Marines, which, like my Dark Imperium boxset I brought a few years back, will be converted up to be more Space Wolf-like. 

You also get Necrons, quite a few Necrons, in fact, a good start to an army. Which, is of course how new projects come along. In the box, as well as a variety of cool new units, you get 20 Necron Warriors. Which can either be built with a Gauss Flayer of Gauss Reaper. So, knowing that GW is soon to be releasing these models individually, I built them in two squads of 10. One squad having the reaper, the other the flayer. I intended to pick up another box to flesh them out to units of 15. That will give me a good core of an army to start with.

From there, I'm going to add a Lord to lead them. This will be using the model from the Indomitus boxset. A squad of ten Immortals, an Annihilation Barge. This will bring me to a nice force of 750 points (give or take) I'm going to add the three Skorpekh Destroyers that I got in the Indomitus boxset for a further boost to my army and then either some Tomb Blades or  Destroyers to round it out to a 1000 points.

I've gone for a dirty metal colour for the warriors, to represent them getting dirty and mucky during their long sleep. When I paint more elite troops like the Immortals and Lynchgard. They'll be shinier to represent a better level of care whilst in the deep sleep.

Now I just need lockdown to end, so I can get some gaming in with them.