Tuesday 27 April 2021

Project update

 So, it's been a couple of weeks/months, so what have I been getting up to. Mainly, buying models. With, the recent relaxation of lock down, meant I could get a trip to Warhammer World, and pick up some models for my Vampire Counts army. I picked up Heinrich Kemmler and Manfred Von Carstein on nightmare steed, both of which are helpful for my End Times project. 

I also picked up Konrad Von Carstein, he was there, the model is nice, do I need an excuse. The immediate  next purchase I need, are Krell and Isabella von Carstein. Both of these models are now OOP and going for silly prices, so I hope to snag an eBay bargain, one day. I'd also like to get Manfred von Carstein on foot as well, but he's not important for the End Games project.

My read through of the Nagash End Times books is nearly finished, and there are an awful lot of battles, and I'm slowly chipping away purchasing units, and characters that I might need. There is a lot of expensive models to get, but we'll get there.

I've been able to pick up another unit of Empire Swordsmen, and so now, I need to pick up a unit of Halberdiers, and strip my spearmen that I got in the 6th edition box set, twenty years ago. So, the Empire army is growing. I also want to add more skeletons to my Vampire Counts. I've got a rough idea, of what I want to get for that, so I need to A) dig out my Vampire Counts from 20 years ago and strip them, and B) buy more Zombies, you can never have enough zombies.

I've also been working on my Norman project, I've now got a unit of Spearmen, to go with my unit of archers. I've also added a Warlord to lead the division, so that is slowly growing.

However, next up, I'm buying a large amount of Napoleonic Russians. I already can field the 27th Infantry division, from the forces that fought at Borodino, I'm now going to start on the 2nd Grenadier Division, and moving towards having the complete 8th Infantry Corps.

and that's before I talk about the Barons War stuff.