Sunday 12 July 2015



  Welcome to my blog. Over the years this is going to my record of how I deal with my lead mountain. Well, lead, white metal, plastic, and resin mountain. I'm a war gamer with lots, and lots, of unpainted models.

  So we're going to start with the current project.

  So this is project number one. Our current wargaming project is a series of games based around the D Day landing. For this, I'll be using a US Airborne army. We're using Bolt Action as our rules set. Honestly, this is not a game that I like. I have issues with the dice pulling mechanisms. Apart from that, it's a good little game.

Now, this is my whole force, around about 1100 points. The core of the force is 4 squads. 3 squads are 8 men and the fourth squad is a ten man squad, with various support choices. Long term plans for this army is tanks, lots of tanks. I can see some M3's on the way.

  Other projects I have on the go is Lord of the Rings. I'm a massive fan of the books and the films, so I was over the moon when Games Workshop begun producing models. I've got several thousands models and more to come. This includes a Smaug. So watch out for them.

I'm going to start on a Tomb Kings / Vampire Counts army for Age of Sigmar. These will be on a square base to allow me to make them backwards comparable for older editions of Warhammer as well. 

This is a brief overview of current projects. I've got more projects on the go. Romans, Napoleonic's, Tau, Space Wolves, Alpha Legion, Pirates, Cowboys and ACW, to name just a few. 

See you all soon. 

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