Sunday 8 November 2015

Back, and about time to.

So sorry, real life got in the way and I’ve not blogged in a while. I have, however, been painting. My current status stands at 444 models painted this year. I am trying to get to 500+ in a years. It’s an achievement, but I doubt that I’ll get there. It's touch and go at the moment. It's another 57 models, and I do have two weeks off. Maybe it is, but real life has a knack of getting in the way. 
  So what have I been painting. Well a couple of Panzer 4’s for my WW2 German army. My gaming friends and I are soon to be playing a large tank battle. These are my two contributions. They are nice models, with plenty of detail. A quick spray, and some metal work and camo stripes and the models are done. One, as you’ll notice has a tank commander. I intended to get a third, and possibly a . I’m coming down with a nasty case of Maltmanitis* and want lots of tanks.

  My US Airborne are now done. They went to the gaming day, that I was working towards, and performed admirably.  I prefer using them to my Fallschirmjagers and so I’m wondering if there needs to be some tinkering with my list. The recent release of plastic Fallschirmjagers from Warlord are a good incentive to look into fixing these issues.

  So next up on my paint table is a selection of historical and fantastical. On the Historical side, I’ve got a second unit of Hanoverians for my Napoleonic’s. I’ve just finished one unit, so the second won’t take long. I ‘ve got my colours all lined up. Further down the line we’re talking about going back to Romans vs Celts (or German’s in this case) so I’ve recently purchased a unit that I’ve wanted for a while, Celt Archers and their more hairer Germanic twins. I’m looking into digging into these two units.

Fantasy side, I’ve got lots of little odds and ends, that I’ve bought this year and not painted up for Lord of the Rings. You can see and Orc Siege Bow at the bottom of the below picture. Plus, I want to start adding to my Tomb Kings army.  It got stalled around the 2000 point limit as I ran out of enthusiasm but with the recent release of Age of Sigmar I’m excited to go back to it.

I did mentioned that I would discuss Age of Sigmar. I like it. It’s not Warhammer, but it’s not meant to be. If you want to play Warhammer, there’s eight editions for you to play. Choose your favourite and enjoy (mine’s sixth). But if you want something different there’s now Age of Sigmar.

Of course, I've yet to mention Warlords recently announced Doctor Who game. I can't wait for this to come out. I think it might cost me quite a lot so I better invest in a new, better paying, job then. Nothing wrong with owning a couple of hundred Daleks is there?

Bye for now.

*Maltmanitis: Noun – a condition that cause the patient to buy tanks in large numbers.

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