Saturday 19 December 2015

500 Miniatures painted and counting.

So it’s happened I’ve painted my 500th miniature this year. In fact, the total has now risen to 505. I’ve got some basing to do now to make sure it happens, but with the Christmas break looming. I can see get some more models done.

Sorry for the picture.
So what was the 500th miniature to be painted? Well, it was an Aly Morrison Chaos Champion, that I originally purchased in 1997. Bizarrely I can even tell you where I purchased it as well. It was from the Games Workshop store in Coventry. I painted it back in the day to be a leader of my Khorne Berserkers and, I think, last year he got stripped in a bath of Dettol and he’s been kicking around my desk, waiting to get repainted.

So I did, I stuck true to his Khornate heritage and painted him in dark red and brass. I think he has come out okay. However, doing some research into this model has led me to realise that I made a mistake. When I brought him, I just assumed that he was a champion of Khorne. I was young and he has a big chain sword, however, I have now learnt he was just a standard Chaos Space Marine Champion. I am starting to think I need to purchase a proper Khorne champion to lead my squad.

However, there is a down side, the difference between the amount painted and the amount bought this year is quite small, and so I need a big push next year to try and clear down the back log as quickly as possible. Hopefully I will be able to get a large number of Germanic Tribesmen painted up in the next few weeks to increase the gap.

Repainting this classic miniature, and hitting the 500 model mark, has got me thinking of plans for next year. Firstly, there will be the continuing project of Middle Earth. I now have less than 200 individual models to purchase, so that I can complete my goal of having, at least, one of every LOTR model GW has released.

Some of my recent purchases.
This project also involves me getting enough models to be able each published scenario, either in a rulebook, source book, or White Dwarf. This is a slightly larger total of 980ish models. This is a long term project, that I am going to be plodding along with. I am trying to work through one source book at a time, whilst buying miniatures to bring down the need for the Hobbit scenarios. The next book to do is Siege of Gondor. I’ve got some mounted Royal Guard, an Uruk-Hai Ballista and a Mordor Troll to collect for that one. 

Further than that, I’ve been inspired to start a project on my beloved High Elves again. Earlier in the year, I was given a large number of models from a friend who used to play and was getting rid of stuff. In it was a large number of High Elves from the 4th edition days. These were the models of my youth that I never got but have always wanted.

So, where to start. Well I made a decision to try and collect all of the models from when I first started, September 1996. I headed on over to the website Stuff of Legends and headed to the catalogue scans for 1995 and 1996. Any model shown on these pages is where I am going to start with. Thankfully, I know that I have a load of the original plastic archers and spearmen from back in the day. However I’ve acquired
ten unpainted models from my friend's lot, so I’ll start with them.

Going through the scans has reminded me of how many models I already have. This allowed me to make a decision. I want to be able to have valid units on these. Therefor all foot troops will be units of 20 strong, with the exception of archers, which will be 10 strong.  Cavalry units will be ten strong with the exception of Reaver Knights which will be five strong.

The only other exception is command units for Archers and Reavers. I don’t like giving them a command unit, except a champion, and so these models are therefore for nothing more than for me to being a completionist.  I am now going to spend some time hunting on eBay for the High Elf Sorceress riding a Unicorn, as well as a cheap, unpainted Warhammer 4th edition box set for lots of plastic spearmen.

The other project I am going to be working on is the forces of Henry Tudor at Bosworth Field. I’ve already started owning some of the Perry plastic box sets and, as you can see from the photo on the left, I’ve already started to paint them up. This is going to be a difficult project as there are not a lot of lists or references to help me say I need to go and get X and Y.

However, there are places that I can start. I’ve ordered the Osprey campaign book on Bosworth, which has arrived and I’m going to read that and take some notes and start planning. Hopefully, this will lead to a good sized force, that I’ll be using with Hail Ceaser.

That’s all for now, and yes, Tanks are coming. Here is a picture of the Allied tanks for you.

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