Thursday 30 June 2016

July, the month of painting

So, at the half -way mark, I'm looking good to hit the year's painting mark. I'm aiming to have 732 painted models, or two for every day, by the end of the year. Having been unemployed for two and a half months has helped this total, and I'm 4.64% ahead of where I should be and I've now painted 400 models.

Which meant, that as June came to a close, I've had to do some basing, quite a lot of basing actually, as this photo shows.

Though you may not be able to see them, there is a good mix of models in there, from the Napoleonic 79th Cameron Highlanders to Iron Man, to High Elf Archers. Having hit 400 models, it's time to turn my attention to that American War. In previous posts I've talked about playing games and the rather large amount of models I've purchased this year, roughly 100, plus the 36 I already had, well it's time to get painting.

So, with a hundred plus models, one commander and 4 cannons to go. I feel a challenge needed. For the month of July, I'm aiming to paint at least one base of models a day. A base for me means four models. So by the end of July, I could have a 100 plus models painted.

 As I'm painting Confederates, which are a mixture of Grey, brown, grey, butterscotch, and more grey, this should be  an easily achievable target. In the past, I've painted a Scottish force for the English Civil war, and so I have a lot of grey paint. 

In the photo above you can see a box with five units, undercoated, waiting to be painted. There are five units worth built, and I have parts for another three, if not four, waiting to be built. 

So stay tuned, I hope to post updates daily, but we shall see. See you tomorrow. 

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