Thursday 18 April 2019

5th Column Raid

After two scenarios with the Germans trying to land on the beaches of Kent, this next scenario, the third in the Operation Sealion book, takes us as the 5th column rise up and try and steal the keys to the local armoury from under the keys of the local Home Guard officer who was busy with his lover.
Possibly my fav board to play on. 

Terry had arranged a lovely looking table, and I brought my growing collection of British Expedition Force. I had an officer, 4 squads of inexperienced troops, a smaller Home Guard Squad, and a single MMG team in 500 points. Not knowing where Terry's forces were going to appear on, I deployed my squads in four corners and set up the MMG in a place to cover the square.
Oh what a lovely lady.

Turn 1:
The game began and the first dice and the following 9 dice went to Terry. Using this advantage Terry brought on a small squad of 6 Columnist and shot at the the squad in the North West area of the board giving them a pin.

Waiting for the 5th Columnist
Terry then brought on a Spy, moving towards the house where the British officer was having an enjoyable time with his lover. Two more squads came in on the North West and North East corners of the board. A man was killed in the North West squad, and the squad in the North East lost a man carrying the Lewis gun.

In the middle of the board, a squad of armed and dangerous ladies came charging in towards the village square. Terry finally finished up his run on dice with bringing on some officers, and a light mortar and an anti-tank gun.

Finally, it was my turn, the wounded squad in the North East, tried to shoot but failed their order check. Not a great start to my turn. In the south-east, the squad advanced towards the charging ladies and killed two of their number. Whilst the MMG began to prepare an ambush, the squad in the south-west moved towards the centre, hoping they could raise their officer.

Meanwhile, as the turn came to the conclusion, Terry brings on two more squads, each with ten columnists in the squad, giving more muscle and firepower for Terry.

Turn 2:
Terry, began this turn, as he did the last and gained the first dice. His squad charges against my north-wast squad and killed 2, in return, I killed 5 and wiped out the squad. Boyed by this, I charged the ladies with the Squad in the south-east and wiped them out.

Funny looking sisters
Terry's mortar dropped a shell on the squad in the North-East killing two and adding two pins. This squad tried to charge a nearby 5th columnist unit but failing their morale check. Meanwhile, the Home Guard squad shot at the nearby big 5th man columnist squad, killing one of their number.

Terry charged one of his smaller units, and charged the North-East squad and wiped them out, before consolidating them towards the centre of the table. Terry then advanced forwards both of his big squads towards the centre of the table. His smaller squad took a pot shot at the squad in the North-West and killed two of them. This squad then went down, after failing their morale check.

In the South-West, the squad advance and took aim at the ten-man squad and added a pin. Meanwhile, pulling another dice for Terry, he charged the squad in the North-West and wiped them out.

As the turn drew to a close, Terry's officer passed his test and was able to wipe out another member of the Home Guard man. His Abweragent moved towards the centre and revealed himself and killed one of the South-West squad.

Finally, the turn ended with the MMG moving into a better position.

Turn 3:
Terry began his turn by trying to charge his ten-man 5th columnist unit forward, hoping to take the officer, by surprise. Thankfully, for me, they failed his test and the squad went down instead. However, Terry got the second dice of the turn and another squad charged forward and enter the building, taking the officer by surprise and killed him. Terry now had the keys to the armoury and I had to do something about this.

To do this, I charged the south-west squad into the building, to retrieve the keys. I killed six of Terry's men, only losing three in return. I had won the combat, and more importantly, I've got the keys.

Meanwhile, Terry's officer took another member of the Home Guard unit out, leaving two of them behind. In response, the Home Guard charged the officer and wiped him, and his two men, out. Terry shoots at the south-east squad and wiped out another 3 of them. His mortar then tried to add to the damage, but failed to hit.

In the centre, the South-East squad charged forward and wiped out 5 of the ten-man squad out. Terry then responded in kind and killed 5 in return. Fighting an immediate second round of combat was a bad idea for me, as I failed to kill any of Terry's men, and he killed two.

Terry then got a run of his dice being pulled and was able to move his officer, spy, and another of the squad to the centre of the board. My officer tried to shoot at the spy but failed to hit. The turn came to an end with the MMG going on ambush again, and Terry moved his anti-tank gun towards the Home Guard squad.

Turn 4:
Having got the keys, I need the first dice to make sure they moved away from the centre building and off the board. Off course, the first dice pulled was Terry. He tried to charge the squad in the building, and retrieve the keys, but he failed his order test.

Thankfully, the second dice was mine, and I moved the keys off towards the nearest board edge. The third dice was mine, and I was able to charge the Anti Tank gun with the surviving Home guard members, wiping it out.

However, Terry was then able to charge the squad with the keys and killed three. I only killed one in return and Terry was able to retrieve the keys. With a good dice roll, Terry was able to advance five inches towards the board edge.

With the last squad being wiped out, my officer, leading my example, charged in and killed one before being cut down. This left me with the MMG, which I needed to use to kill Terry's squad in Turn 5.
Last man standing

Turn 5:
The first dice was, once again, Terry's and he used it to advance the squad into contact with his spy. Needing the second dice, so that I could shoot with my one unit, I pulled one of Terry's dice, and the spy was off the board with the keys, and the win.

Terry had won.

This was a great game, with the keys going back and forth and being quite tense. My only issue, looking back at the forces I used, was how I set up the MMG, with a good spot covering the square, I thought it was going to be a useful deterrant. However, it turned out to be a bad spot.

Terry and I both agreed that this game, and the soon to be written up replay with Terry as the British and myself as the 5th columnist have been ideal for us. We are both Narrative players and this was the perfect scenario for us.

Onto the next game.

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