Tuesday 16 March 2021

Is it a bad thing to read

 So, I've been reading. This is not a bad thing, in fact, it's a very good thing. A thing I would commend you for doing. However, it can lead you down an accidental wargaming rabbit hole. The other day, I was reading through the internet, and found myself reading the write up of the Battle of Hastings on the Shedwars website.

Now, the Battle of Hastings is something that every good English schoolboys learns about. How Harold marched from Stamford Bridge to take on William at Hastings, and got an arrow to the eye for his trouble. However, it's not often war-gamed. 

So, having read the write up, I ended up purchasing the Osprey book on Hastings, and now I'm spending free time looking at Norman miniatures. Conquest games has some very nice plastic Normans, and Footsore and Gripping Beasts have some lovely metal models. 

A while back, I purchased some Norman Archers from Footsore, (I need to hit free postage) and so I'm on my way to building a Hail Caesar Army now. It's going to consist of three to four divisions of foot warriors, and a couple of cavalry.

The foot units are going to consist of four units of spearmen, one of which may or may not be unarmoured. A couple of units of archers, and a crossbow unit. As powerful as crossbow are, I feel that they would be quite rare in an army. These units are going to be 16 strong. The archers are on 20mm rounds, which came with my Perry Miniature plastic WW2 desert forces. I'm going to get some bases from Warbases, so I can use them in Hail Caesar, or in smaller games like Lion Rampant.

The cavalry divisions are going to be units of 12, and will be three to four units of cavalry, which will be 12 strong. Again, I'm tempted to put them on pill bases, and so I can take them in and out again and use them in a variety of games. 

The second book, I've been reading is the first title in the Warhammer Endtimes, which is Nagash. This, is interesting, in the first forty pages, lots of things happen, characters die, the Green Knight is revealed. It was a big risk, when GW killed of the Old World, but they did it in style. 

Now, reading this, makes me want to play Warhammer again. It doesn't take a lot, so I'm going to start blogging about what models I want to get, and how I'm going to get them without paying a mortgage to get one Bretonnian Grail Knight. 

The first battle in the book, is the Warhammer favourite, La Maisontal Abbey. So this is Bretonnians vs Vampire Counts. I've got some of both of these, but I want to play these games with armies of 3000 points of troops. Time to start thinking and planning. Which reminds me, I've got some Knights Errant I'm watching on eBay.

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