Friday 19 February 2016

A second quick update

So due to having to find a new job, things have been a little lax on the blogging front. However, I'm here to recount tales of gaming woe to you. Wednesday night saw another clash between Saxons and Vikings. I took on the Vikings with Terry, whilst John M and Jim were commanding the Saxons. The game was a quick and bloody affair with the Vikings being forced off in quick order. It was enjoyable but the game was hampered with many poor dice rolls on my part. 

The Imperials have entred the base.
However, on a slightly more postive note, I got to try out my christmas present on Thursday night with my friend, Jonathan. This present is, of course, Star Wars Imperial Assault. It's a nice hybrid of RPG and tabletop miniatures game and I've now got a Darth Vader and AT-ST in my colleciton, so I'm happy.

We played the training scenario through twice, allowing us to be both Imperials and Rebels. I lost both games, but had a lot of fun. It's a nice little system and I'm looking forward to playing it more in the not so distant future. 

On the painting front, my out put, so far this month, is not great. Getting another 30 models done. It's not been helped that, despite being at home a lot more, the weather is rubbish, meaning that I can't go outside to undercoat some new toys. And when it was fine to do some undercoating, I went and ran out of spray. Going to get some more over the weekend to resolve this.

However, I've been able to get a bit more work done on the Seige of Gondor front. I've now painted every model I need for scenario 1, for the forces of Gondor. There will be a large round of basing at the end of the month, where I hope to show some the models all nicely painted up.

I have then turned my attention to the forces of Mordor. This has seen me paint up the seven remaining Orc bowmen, that i've had kicking around my painting table for several years. And the several remaining Orc Warriors that I never finished when I was mass painting Orcs for the large Helms Deep battle that I fought in 2007. 

Next up on the Mordor front is Uruk Hai and Warg Rider which will take a few more models of the to paint list. Once I do a round of basing on the Orcs, it should see me being able to play through scenario 1. 
As you can see from the photo to the right,  I've got a long way to go before I've painted everyhting I want. Though you'll not be able to make them out I've spent a lot of time building. I've built another two units for my War of the Roses project and the Mirkwood Cavalry that I brought last year. Now to get that spray paint out and get some paint on them. 

If all things go according to plan, the next battle I should fight will see some Celt on Celt action as a band of maurading Germanic Tribsemen land on the British shores to a hostile welcome committe.

Stay tuned for that. 

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