Monday 1 February 2016

A quick update

So February is here and so it's time for a quick update. Well, there's been a lot of painting done, getting 104 models finished in the month. It's quite an achievement, especially as I've got them all based as well. :)

Plans for February are to carry on with the painting of the models I need to play through the Seige of Gondor. This is going well. I've now added Faramir into the mix. Thankfully the model was already painted, and so all I had to do was a quick touch up and he was then based up with the other 104 models. You can see a bad photo of him to the right.

In terms of this project. The remaining models I need to paint, for the forces of good, are excitingly painted up. This is Beregond, Citadel Guard, and the Warriors of Minas Tirith. Some of these are needed to be based, and this will happen later this month. I hope to be able to spend some time getting better photos of these in due course.

So I am now turning my attention to the forces of evil. I have decided to start with my Orc warriors with bows. This is because I picked five of these models just before Christmas last year and I would love to get them removed from the list of unpainted models. I also have two plastic models still to go. I've found these and they are now on my painting table.

In terms of gaming, I was hoping for another Armada game last week, but Ben never showed. Claiming to have homework to mark. Anyway, on Wednesday, we are planning another Saxons vs Vikings game. This battle report is to follow soon. This is a reminder game of how to play Hail Ceaser as we prepare for the start of our working our way through the Germanica book from Warlord.

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