Sunday 12 August 2018


So, the plan for today was to paint a Fell Beast that I've already started.
Why am I not painted yet?

I was looking forward to painting him, I've got five Fell Beasts. Two of the original metals, two of the plastics, as seen here to the right, and the original metal Witch King atop a Fell Beast.

The forthcoming Battle for Pellanor fields also has the plastic variant Witch King on Fell Beast, which will give me six. The plastic model has a spare Ringwraith and I plan to use him instead of the Metal Witch King model so that I can have 6.

I just need to paint them. 

Instead, I painted something else.

We're not Ringwraiths.

 Yep, a squad of plastic SS appeared on my desk. These were bought earlier in the year as I've been playing through the Battle of the Bulge with Terry. One of the scenarios needs an SS army, so I purchased the plastic box from Warlord. 
And here we are painted.
You get thirty models in the box, enough to build three ten man squads. This is squad two and you can see all of the 'fun' models. LMG, Assault Rifle, Panzerfaust.

Painting these have been a lot of fun, and I've used a new technique to paint them. A sponge.

The SS had a pea dot camo scene, which as you can see below is a pain to paint.

Chaps with rifles.
Image result for ss pea dot

So, to do my best pea dot, I painted the jackets in Baneblade Brown and then whipped out a piece of foam. In my case, a bit of foam of a blister pack, it does have use :) The whole area was dotted with Necromantic Black, and the Witches Green, before giving a liberal wash of Agrax Earthshade.
The photos have not come out as well, and I'm working on something better, but I'm happy with the result and can't wait to get them based, that'll be done later, and back out on a table top. Now it's time to paint the Ringwraith.

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