Saturday 11 August 2018

It's been a while,

So it's been a while, but I had some bad news about a job yesterday, and so I've decided to start blogging again.

So, what did I do to get over this bad news? Painting, of course. With the Battle for Pelennor Fields coming out soon, I've gone back into Lord of the Rings wargaming mode, and so time to paint up some models for my long-held dream to recreate the Seige of Gondor, similar to how my friends and I did Helms Deep.

Knock Knock
It's very much a case of going large or going home.  If I remember correctly, the forces of Isengard contained over a 1000 Uruks, Orcs, and evil men. It was a lot of fun, and if I can find the write-up, I'll post it up here. 

So, what do I paint to get going? Some Warriors of Minas Tirith or perhaps a horde of Orcs to usher the end of the Age of Man in. 

Nope, I painted Isildur. 


So, he was a quick paint, mainly metal for the armour, and the purple-red for the tunic. GW had painted their version red, but most of the reference shots and the Weta statue show it to be more purple. 

So, up next, on the painting table is going to be a plastic Fell Beast with Ringwraith that I've started painting. 

See you soon.


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