Sunday 12 May 2019

Find them, find them all

For the next scenario in our Sea Lion campain, Terry and I were hunting for a downed German aircrew, holding secret film of the local area. I, playing the British, had to stop the Germans at all cost. While Terry had to get the film of the board.

To do this, I took four ten man squads of Home Guard. One was regular, and the rest inexpereinced. I took a half size five man home guard squad, giving me another change to use the Dad's Army models, and then an officer and his man.

Here goes,

Turn 1:
 With six dice in the bag, I was able to get the first dice, and rushed my Dad's army squad forward. I had put two squads on the left, and two on the right. Not knowing where Terry would come in on, I was going to move forward, surround the house with the aircrew and defend for dear life.

Terry got the next dice, and brought on his first squad. In fact this whole turen, was Terry and I moving towards the centre of the table, and towards the waiting airmen.

Turn 2:
I got the first two dice of this turn, and moved my squad up the right and towards the house. On the left flank, one of my ten man squad and the dads army unit moved forward and advaced into Cover.

Terry, the got the next dice and moved his officer, and two of the nearby squads forward. He was even able to open fire with one of his squads killing one of the squad on the road. Worse, it took out the LMG.

I then moved my officer forward, and then Terry, moved his squad forward and into contact with the house activating the airmen, and thier escape plan. The turn came to an end with the German airmen legging it.

At this point, it was obvious to both Terry and I that he was going to win. We reread the scenario and we noticed that if the unit was not with 3" of a squad it wouldn't move. So, there was a chance.

Turn 3:
Taking the first dice, I advanced the squad on the road forward and into combat with the squad near the house. I killed one of Terry's men. Terry in response, killed 8. I had one man left, who ran away.

On the left flank, I opened fire on Terry's second squad, sitting near the field, with two of my squads. I was able to kill four out of the six man squad, but the remaining men passed their morale test, and returned fire but did no damage as they decided to go down.

Meanwhile, the airmen carried on thier retreat and, taking Terry's officer with them, they got towards the edge of the board.

Meanwhile Terry then shot at my officer, killing both of them and then turned on the Dad's Army Squad killing four. Jones failed his test, and ran off.

Turn 4:
Terry got the first dice, and the airmen fled off the baord and the game was over.

This, was very dissapointing. We had read the scenario several times during the day, and during the game, and depsite spotting the typos, of which there were a lot, we could not work out how the British could win this scenario.

Our only idea was for the British to take a vehicle or two, which is going to be pricey in a 500 point force and run forward in the first turn to the other side of the German hideout, and defend for dear life.

Feeling somewhat unsatisfied with a game that was less than a hour long, we decided to change the scenario.

This time, we've added the following.

Which house has the Germans in?

  • The German aircrew are in one of six houses. Hiding. Place a counter, randomly, with one to six in each building. Roll a d6, whichever house has that number contains the Germans.
  • If you're British, you must spend a turn in the house searching
  • Germans find the crew on the turn they move into the right house
  • As one of the men is wounded, the German airforce men can only move 6" a turn
  • The game winner is whoever controls the film at the end of the game
We'll let you know how it turns out.

In the skies

So, Warhammer Fest has come to a close after two days at the Richo Arena, though I was not present to see all of it, one of the videos appearing on Warhammer Community was this.

Yep, GW are bringing back Aeronautica Imperialus. I played this game a lot, back in the day. I had a few Eldar ship and then a few years ago I bought a large number of Ork planes, that never got painted. 

Now I have a reason to .

Grabbing an airfield

So, after successfully defending the airfield last week, it was my turn to take the airfield. Knowing how difficult it was for the Germans to get to the objectives, due to the large expanse of open table, I came up with a cunning plan. 
I would take 4 squads, two of which would take the objective (the guard hut) nearest to me, and would basically go down for dear life for the rest of the game. The other two, would come on as reserves around turn two or three and take the objective on the other side of the board, and then in the last turns, make a dash for the objective in the centre.
To help these four squads were the obligatory MMG, a light mortar, a light howitzer, a sniper team, and a flamethrower, to help flush out any stubborn squads on objectives. Once again the board was going to be very open, and so I was going to be facing an awful lot of firepower.
Here goes
Turn 1:
Getting the first dice, I decided to bring on squad 1 to the nearest objective, the guard hut. Terry had a squad camped on their and I opened fire. 8 Rifles and a LMG should do some damage to this squad. I caused one pin marker. Not a good start, and so I bought on a second squad to try to repeat this trick. 
Things got better, and I was able to add a second pin, and kill three of them. Sadly no machine gun or NCO between them, but it was a better start. I then brought on a light mortar team, who missed the Bofors, which wasn't a small target.
Having taking a pummeling from my two squads, Terry then tried to advance the squad guarding the hut towards the enemy. However, he failed his order test and went down. He then twisted his MMG, also postioned by the guard hut to face my squad, and killed two. Terry then lowered the Bofors and opened fire, but much to my relief, he missed. 
Finally, to the tune of a drumbeat and a warning about Stingray, Stingray, the Picket Hamilton, in the centre of the table rose upwards. I was happy about this, as it gave me an excuse to flush the enemy out with my flamethrower. Terry then moved his squad guarding the Bofors forward and was able to kill one of Light Mortor team. The surviving man was able to pass his morale test.
Terry and I then spent several dice put down makers on our reserves and the turn came to a close with my sniper missing Terry's squad guarding the Bofor's and the MMG trying to and failing to hit Terry' Air observer. 
The turn came to an end with Terry activiating his air observer and putting a marker on the squad nearest to the guard hut. Next turn the Airplane would arrive

Turn 2:
The turn opened with a high pitched scream as an airplane came chrashing through the clouds and heading towards the enemy. In a moment of confusion, and using the old adage of If you miss it's our's, if you hit it's one of theirs, Terry's Bofors opened fire and caused two points of damage. One more and the plane would have been shot down by it's own side.
However, in some sort of incrediable barrell roll, the piolt carried on, Sqaud 2, in it's sight, and opened fire. The sqaud wisely, went to ground. Terry's fire caused lots of hits, and a pin marker, but much to my relief, and Terry's distress, no casulties were caused. The plane flew off, not to be seen again :)
The turn began properly, and Terry got the first dice, and again he tried to order the squad guarding the hut to advance, but they were having none of it. The kettle had just boiled or something. Meanwhile, Terry's MMG then saw squad 1 and opened fire. They got two pin markers, but no dead. I got the next dice, and I decided to charge them in combat with Terry's squad, but I failed my order test, leaving them somewhat in the open.
The team inside the Picket Hamilton opened fire on my MMG, but were unable to hit. For the next few dice pulled, Terry and I were unable to hit anything. Terry's Bofors missed Squad 1 and his Air Observer team missed my MMG. Meanwhile, my light mortar were unable to hit the approaching squad, that had left the Bofors behind.
Terry then brought something on, which I could not deal with, a Bren Carrier. Being an infantry heavy army, I've not brought anything that could deal with a vehicle. The Bren Carrier then opened fire on Squad 1 and killed two of their number. 
My response was to open fire with my MMG on to the Air Observer, in case he had any nasty tricks and wipped one of the squad out. Terry then brought on an Armadilo with two machine guns and an autocannon. Not only could I not deal with the Bren, I had this as well. I was well and truely scuppered. He shot at squad 2, but failed to hit. Perhaps I could.
I then fired my sniper at Terry's squad that was leaving the Bofors behind them. Though I gave them a pin marker, I was not able to kill any of thier number. Terry then shot the whole squad at the Sniper, and due to the Rapid Fire rule, he had 14 dice to hit with. All he needed was a single six, due to being inexeperienced, a small team, and in cover. The dice came up in my favour, not a single six. 
I got the next few dice, hoping to bring on some squads to capture the Bofors. I was able to bring on one squad, who advanced towards Terry's squad near the Bofors and killed four of their number. In return, they opened fire and felled five of my men. I took a courage test, and the squad was fine. 
I was then also able to bring on an officer. But, when my next squad decided it didn't want to come on, I kept the artillery peice and flamethrower for the next turn. 
Terry was also unable to bring on his officer, or his final squad. He repostioned his medic and with that the turn came to an end. Things were looking good
Turn 3:
I got the first dice, and Squad 1 charged the squad guarding the hut. They shot as I came in, and he was able to kill 4. Ouch. We started combat. I rolled badly, and was able to kill 1. Terry, was also able to kill 1 and so the combat carried on into another round. I was able to kill 2 more. 
So was Terry, so we moved into the third round of combat. I killed two more, Terry was able to kill one. I won. I used my consolidation move and moved on to the objective, but to do so cost me 8 men out of a squad of ten. If I was not careful, they wouldn't be there for much longer. 
Being so close to the guard hut, the Air Observer, and his assisstant, charged the reamins of Squad 1. I told you taking this objective was going to be short lived. Terry and I spent the first round of combat failing to hit and so we moved on to the second round of combat. Terry, again, failed to hit, but now the dice were with me, and I was able to finish of the air observer and win the combat. 
I then tried to hit the Bofors with the light mortar, but the sights were not correctly aligned and the shell landed harmless in area. Terry, getting the next dice, charged in his inexpereinced squad, near the Bofors into my recently arrived squad 3. I shot as he came in, and killed two of their number.
Needing five to kill, thank goodness for being veteran, I was expecting to loose one or two. Terry killed 5. I had no attacks back. The squad was dead, and Terrry consolidated towards the sniper a might one inch. That was going to cost me. 
Terry then opened fire with the Picket Hamilton and aimed his shots at my MMG. Thankfully, it was fine and only took a pin marker. Terry, then brought his own light mortar on, and landed a shot on squad 2, who went down. Despite this, one of thier number was killed and two pin markers were added to thier tally. Terry then fired the Bren carrier at the squad, who killed two more of thier number, including the Sqaud NCO, who died before being able to pass his hat on. 
I then targeted Terry's MMG with my own MMG and killed one of thier crew. Not what I really wanted, but one dead crew member was better than no dead crew member. My sniper then missed the Bofor's and I was begining to wonder if he had been trained at the Imperial Stormtrooper Shooting Range in Star Wars as he spectaculary useless at hitting large targets. 
Terry then opened fire and targeted on the Light Howitzer that I had brought on to the table, with the previous dice. As the crew were busying putting up the weapon, two of thier number were pulverized in a hail of flak. The last man passed his morale check. Terry then returned MMG fire and aimed his MMG at my MMG and killed two of their number.
The Armadilo roared into life and shot at Squad 2 killing another of thier number and added a pin marker. I was grateful for them being down, or it could have been a lot worse
Again, Terry was unable to bring on his last squad and his officer. I was then able to bring on my final squad, who appeared on Terry's board edge, near the Bofors. They advanced forward, and opened fire, killing three of the squad that had been guarding it. Not even Terry's nearby medic was able to do anything about it and the squad fled off the baord. Though I didn't control the objective, it was now getting close to becoming mine. 
I finished the turn with brining on the flamethrower team. Hiding behind Squad 4 to protect them from any fire. Their goal to burn the Picket Hamilton.
That had been a bloody turn, and quite costly for me. But I was now denying Terry one of his objectives and getting closer to controlling the second.
Turn 4:
Terry got the first dice of Turn 4, and aimed a light mortar shell at Sqaud two, and killed two more. I had only four men left before the shell had landed, and so needed to take a morale test. I failed, and the squad fled. Great, this was getting even more difficult to try and control the guard hut objective.
I received the next dice and squad four advance forward and opened fire on the Bofors. I rolled six hits. This lead me to kill two of the crew. However, both dice were sixes. If I rolled one more six, I could destory the weapon using the Exception Damage rule in Bolt Action. I rolled the dice.
One of them was a six. I had destroyed the Bofors. Terry responded by firing the Picket Hamilton at my squad and killing two of them. I decided to get my MMG down into the ground as Terry opened fire with his own MMG and caused no damage. Phew.
Terry then went in with the Armadilo. He fired one Bren Gun at squad 4and killed one more of them. He then fired the auto cannon and the other Bren gun at my MMG, which died under a hail of fire. Though I wasn't really enjoying playing against the Armadillo, I do want one for my own army. 
I tried to shoot the light mortar at Terry's inexpereince squad, but I missed. Terry then tried to move this squad forward, but they bottled thier morale test and went down instead. Terry was then able to bring on his officer, near the Bren Gun carrier.
Squad 1, on the Guard hut objective were able to add a pin marker on to Terry's MMG. Finally, my flame thrower carried on thier advance on the Picket Hamilton, and Terry was able to bring on his final squad who came in at a run. 

Things were not looking good, but I was now contesting two objecitves. I might be able to pull something off here.
Turn 5:
I was going to have to hit the dirt and hope for high water that I could survive, if not I had no chance of winning this game. I got the first dice, and charged the reamins of Squad 1 into Terry's MMG. I was close enough so that they could not fire as I came in, and was able to wipe them out, before retreating into the safety of the cover of the Guard Hut.
Terry then opened fire with his Armadilloe and shot a Bren Gun at the flamethrower, who survived. The rest of the vehicle's weapons went at the remains of Squad 1. Despite four hits, Terry was only able to kill one of their number. The last man held his nerve. Meanwhile Terry was unable to do any damage with his Bren Carrier.
I finally took the Bofors, which gave me the full objective. I the shot with the squad at the near by inexperience Squad and killed two more of them. My flamethrower then, after passing his test, ran forward and was now outside the objective in the centre of the table. 
Terry's newly arrived squad advanced on the Bofors and killed the Squad's NCO, who then passed on his leadership to a colleague. My light mortar missed agian, and then I realsied my mistake. 
The Picket Hamilton still had a gun team in, and the flamethrower was now in point blank range. How stupid I had been. All I could do was watch as Terry gunned them down. Though I could still wrange two obectives, I knew the third was now out of my reach. 
Terry's officer ran forward and renewed the contest to see who could hold the Guard Hut. Terry's light mortar, copying mine, missed and the shell aimed at my officer went sailing over. My sniper missed, once again and Terry finished the turn with advacinng his full ten man squad towards the picket hamilton objective in the centre of the baord.

Turn 6:
I got the first dice of the turn and once again the Light Mortar missed and then for an encore, my sniper missed once again. I think both of these were a waste of points as they've not contributed anything to the whole game. 
Terry then got the next dice, and tried to land a light mortar on my officer and so I elected to go down and he survived for another turn. However, Terry, then aimed his Bren Carrier forward and shot the Bren's at my officer, killing him, and at Squad 1 and killed nothing. 
Terry then advanced the Armadilo forward and aimed a Bren at my squad at the Bofors and I went down, and they survived. He then fired the other Bren and the autocannon at squad 1, and again they escaped uninjured. Terry rounded off his pull of dice, and his squad finally got the objective in the centre. 
In an effort to make sure I contested the Guard Hit, I moved the Light Howitzer forward. 
Terry then got the final few dice of the game. He tried to fire the Picket Hamilton at the Bofors squad, but was unable to cause any casuties. He then charged in the squad into my squad guarding the Bofors and killed 2. I only had to kill two, and so of course, predictably, I killed one. My squad ran off, and the game came ot an end. 
Terry had won, and gained three campaign points. And after four scenarios, the campaign points are.
Terry 37 David 33
Allies 37
Axis 33
This was a great game, and honestly, if it wasn't for that final combat, where I lost control of the Bofors, this game would have been a draw and very different. However, Terry's combination of a Armadillo and a Bren Carrier was something I couldn't deal with and so gave Terry the advantage. 
I also shouldn't have left the flamethrower in front of the picket hamilton. That was just a stupid mistake. But, this was a good, fun, game and the next scenario is a Patrol Scenario which I'm looking forward to. 

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Raiding the Airfield

So after a rather fun scenario of stealing the keys from under the British officer, Terry and I turned our attention to the next scenario, a battle scenario, Assault on Lympne Airfield. This would see a 1000 points of BEF defending an essentially open table against a 1000 points of Fallshirmjager. 
A lot of open space
To defend the airfield, I took four squads of BEF, backed up with two Medium Machine Gun and two mortar teams. To do this, I took two platoons with the bare minimum of choices in. This was trying to give a good coverage of fire on the advancing enemy. A Bofur’s Artillery Piece and a few other support teams rounded of the army. 
My plan was to really try and stop Terry’s advance. I was fielding a mix of regular and inexperienced troops, whilst Terry’s whole army was Veteran. It was going to be a tough add, but I’m hoping that with two MMG and the Rapid Fire special rule, I would be able to get enough dice per squad to put some pins and maybe even kill one or two. 
I also had to use the reserves rule, so I made sure that 2 squads, all of the MMG'a, a mortar, and the Bofors were deployed on to the board. Let’s see how it turns out.

Turn 1:
With the first dice being mine, I decided to put one of the squads in reserve down. There was no enemy in sight, so best to keep dice until I needed them. Next dice went to Terry, and a Mortar was deployed on to the edge of the table. The next dice was mine, and aware that the enemy was beginning to appear, I placed one of the MMG into ambush.
Wait till you see the white of thier eyes
The next few dice were mine, and with only one enemy on the board, I placed the second squad and the mortar team in reserve down.  Terry then deployed his MMG onto the board, and with the limited terrain it activated my MMG and I opened fire. I caused two killing hits, both on sixes, I rolled again to see if this would roll me another six, and destroyed the MMG rule. The dice gods were on my side and another six was rolled. Terry packed away the MMG he had just deployed.
I followed this success with placing the other MMG onto Ambush and off board the officers went down, waiting for their moment of glory. Meanwhile, Terry brought on a fire support squad and opened fire on the MMG that had done so much damage early on in the game. Despite getting three hits, only one man was killed much to my delight. 
And..... Fire.
My mortar took aim at Terry’s mortar and with another six (the dice gods were truly on my side tonight I dropped a shell directly on to the team. Two men were killed in the initial explosion, and the team took two pin markers. The last man standing took his morale test, but was stood his ground.
I then advanced a squad towards Terry's fire support squad and killed two. More than this, it was a double six, followed by another double six. I could choose who dies and so Terry's NCO and LMG disappeared. I got another dice, and my other squad went on to Ambush.
The next few dice went into Terry and he brought on his officer, who spent the time skulking around the undergrowth and a further two squads, a fire squad, and a normal squad. He brought on his Fire Support team towards my squad on ambush and I opened fire, killing two of them. They tried to return fire, but the dice were still in my favour, and Terry failed to kill anyone
Terry then brought on another squad, and opened fire and killed three. Terry's final few dice came on and brought out on a light mortar, which failed to hit my Bofors and his other officer. His final action was to bring on the LG40/75 artillery piece which, as a fixed weapon, couldn't shoot.
I ended the turn with the Bofors opened fire at one of Terry's squad, but the dice god finally deserted me, and I missed.

Turn 2:
The first dice of turn 2 was mine and I tried to open fire with my MMG, however, in the midst of war, the order was misheard and the lone crewman went down. Terry got the next dice and landed a light mortar shell on my Bofors. Eep.
However, the dice gods were still in my favour and so I was spared any injury. Terry then passed the morale test on the damaged Fire Support squad who opened fire on one of my squads, who decided to hug the dirt, but yet one of their number was killed., 
`Hold the line lads
My other MMG opened fire at Terry's squad advancing on the left flank, and despite causing three hits, no one dies. Terry then opened fire on my mortar and wiped it out. I then got the next few dice and was able to bring on a squad behind Terry's force and wiped out another man. An officer joined them, but I tried to bring on the fourth and final squad, but the dice were not with me, they'll be on in the next turn. 
Terry got the next few dice and saw his squad opened fire, and kill another two men from my squad on the left. Terry's other squad advanced upon the MMG. 
Despite the mortar shell causing a pin marker in the previous turn, I was able to open fire with the Bofors and wiped out three of Terry's men in one of his squad (I did not record which squad) and gave them an extra pin. 
Terry, then responded by dropping a mortar shell on the squad who went down at the beginning of the turn and killed another two of them. Meanwhile, Terry's Howitzer opened fire on the damaged unit in the centre of the table, adding two more casualties. One failed morale test later and the squad had disappered off the table. Terry then moved an officer forward and captured one of the objectives. I finished the turn by bringing on my other mortar on to the battlefield. 
I had lost a squad and a mortar team in this turn, and Terry had claimed an objective. This could prove to be costly to me. 

Turn 3:
I opened this turn with my MMG and a squad firing at Terry's squad and killing four of them. That was good, but not enough to cause a morale test. I then brought on another officer, needing to use his plus one to morale tests to make some tests. 
Terry responded by dropping another light mortar shell on to my Bofors. He seemed quite intent on destroying something he was supposed to be capturing, and so I decided to go down, and he was unable to cause any hits.
Sneaking Germans in on the flank
My newly arrived Mortar team missed with their first shot. The lone man with his MMG passed his morale test and shot at the nearest squad, killing one of their number. Terry then started to return fire, his squad in the woods killed two, including the LMG, of my nearby squad. Meanwhile, his squad on the left flank passed their morale test and charged the MMG. The writing was on the wall, and the MMG was dead. He then tried to put a howitzer shell on my officer, who went down and the shot missed.  
Terry's squad in the centre of the table, opened fire on the other machine gun, leaving one man there. Who, like the other MMG passed his test on a double 1. Terry, then charged in, hoping to get the objective. I opened fire and killed three as they charged in. Leaving one man with an SMG who was bale to kill two in combat, before I killed him. 
After those brutal moments passed, I took the moment (and a failed order test to put one of my squads down) However, my final squad arrives on the baord, opens fire and takes out Terry's squad NCO. The turn turn with Terry's officer going down, on the objective. 
We were now midgame and it was evenly balanced. 
Turn 4:
Terry got the first dice of this turn, and tried to hit the Bofors again, but the dice gods were still smiling on me and the shot missed.
Let's get them lads
I got the next few dice and my MMG took out another two men from Terry's largest men. This was made sweater, by the fact I was able to take out the man with the LMG. One of my squads was then able to do enough damage on one of Terry's to whittle it down to one man, who failed his test and ran off. 
My Bofors and Mortar, both missed their intended targets and so as my next dicw came out I advance one of my squads towards the objective, with Terry's officer who went down, and survived the hail of bullets that I unleashed at him.
Terry then moved his howtizer towards my largest squad, and missed. His squad in the centre went for the objective, or they would have done if Terry hadn't failed his morale test. However, Terry was able to wipe out the final MMG with his fire support squad. 
I then sent my officer after his light mortar that had spent most of the game shelling my men. He tried to fire it at a squad, but the shell landed wide. The turn came to a close with my other officer, missing Terry's squad and his officer staying on the objective.

Turn 5:
Objective reclaiming
With Terry's officer on the objective, I was going to have to do something, and receiving the first dice of the turn, I charged a squad in. He opened fire, causing a pin, but I soon dispatched him and reclaimed the objective. 
Terry then tried to hit the Bofors with the mortar and missed again. He then fired his Howitzeer into my sqaud, who had just reclaimed the objective, killing four of them including the NCO and gaining me two pin markers as well., 
In response to this, I opened fire with the Bofors gun, and aimed for Terry's squad. I killed four of the squad and caused 3 pin markers. Terry was able to pass his Morale test, but I became a convert to the Bofors and it's auto cannons. I'll be getting a few more for my armies I think. I then ran a squad to the middle objective to secure it.
My officer opened fire on a nearby squad, killing the NCO, with a well placed shot. Terry then tried to take out my sqaud who had gone down from the howitzer, but was not able to add any damage to the squad. 
My officer, scouting the enemy Light Mortar was able to fire in, and kill one of the two man crew. The surviour passed his test, and didn't run off, much to my frustration. My mortar then failed to hit, followed by Terry's mortar aiming for the squad in the centre, hitting them. Killing five of thier number, and they ran for it. 
Not the greatest three dice for me.
Terry then rallied his squad in the centre, removing all of thier pin markers and as the turn came to an end, his officer moved out of the treeline.

Turn 6:
Terry received the first dice of this turn and his howitzer was able to range in on my squad on the objective. I went down, but still two more died. My officer, and his men, charged the lone man of the Light Mortar and wiped him out. 
No Germans here
The Bofors, passed another morale test, and killed two more men. Sadly, I did not record which squada of Terry's this came from, but it was still two more dead. Terry's final fire support squad charged in, to my squad. I opened fire and killed 3 as they charged in. The combat began, and Terry killed one, whilst my finest examples of the British Experdiation Force were able to kill two in return, winning the combat and destorying Terry's squad. 
Terry managed to miss the Bofors again with his mortar, whilst I was able to wipe out the last of his squads with a well placed mortar shell. Terry's officer went down, and I moved my officer on to the obejctive in the centre. 
As the turn came to an end we rolled to see if we would have turn 7, it was late.
And the dice gods knew that, as a 1 appeared on the dice.
With that roll, the turn was over and there would not be another one. It had been a bloody game, but I had won with all three objectives and gained 15 campaign points. 
I really enjoyed this scenario, there was a clear narrative to it, take or hold the objectives. But the added fact that there was no terrain, meant that the board was a killing field. Bolt Action is a game about shooting with as many dice as possible. The more dice you get, the more hits which even if you don't kill, will still cause a pin marker which is even more inconvient to your oppenant. 
Terry and I agreed this is a hard scenario for the German forces, as you've got to get across the land to the objectives as quickly as possible. Being veteran is very useful, but with a high number of shots, it's still going to be a hard challenge. 

I don' think I would do anything differently, if we were to replay this scenario again, but now that I've got to try and take the objectives in the next game, it's given me some ideas on how I am going to do that.