Sunday 12 May 2019

Find them, find them all

For the next scenario in our Sea Lion campain, Terry and I were hunting for a downed German aircrew, holding secret film of the local area. I, playing the British, had to stop the Germans at all cost. While Terry had to get the film of the board.

To do this, I took four ten man squads of Home Guard. One was regular, and the rest inexpereinced. I took a half size five man home guard squad, giving me another change to use the Dad's Army models, and then an officer and his man.

Here goes,

Turn 1:
 With six dice in the bag, I was able to get the first dice, and rushed my Dad's army squad forward. I had put two squads on the left, and two on the right. Not knowing where Terry would come in on, I was going to move forward, surround the house with the aircrew and defend for dear life.

Terry got the next dice, and brought on his first squad. In fact this whole turen, was Terry and I moving towards the centre of the table, and towards the waiting airmen.

Turn 2:
I got the first two dice of this turn, and moved my squad up the right and towards the house. On the left flank, one of my ten man squad and the dads army unit moved forward and advaced into Cover.

Terry, the got the next dice and moved his officer, and two of the nearby squads forward. He was even able to open fire with one of his squads killing one of the squad on the road. Worse, it took out the LMG.

I then moved my officer forward, and then Terry, moved his squad forward and into contact with the house activating the airmen, and thier escape plan. The turn came to an end with the German airmen legging it.

At this point, it was obvious to both Terry and I that he was going to win. We reread the scenario and we noticed that if the unit was not with 3" of a squad it wouldn't move. So, there was a chance.

Turn 3:
Taking the first dice, I advanced the squad on the road forward and into combat with the squad near the house. I killed one of Terry's men. Terry in response, killed 8. I had one man left, who ran away.

On the left flank, I opened fire on Terry's second squad, sitting near the field, with two of my squads. I was able to kill four out of the six man squad, but the remaining men passed their morale test, and returned fire but did no damage as they decided to go down.

Meanwhile, the airmen carried on thier retreat and, taking Terry's officer with them, they got towards the edge of the board.

Meanwhile Terry then shot at my officer, killing both of them and then turned on the Dad's Army Squad killing four. Jones failed his test, and ran off.

Turn 4:
Terry got the first dice, and the airmen fled off the baord and the game was over.

This, was very dissapointing. We had read the scenario several times during the day, and during the game, and depsite spotting the typos, of which there were a lot, we could not work out how the British could win this scenario.

Our only idea was for the British to take a vehicle or two, which is going to be pricey in a 500 point force and run forward in the first turn to the other side of the German hideout, and defend for dear life.

Feeling somewhat unsatisfied with a game that was less than a hour long, we decided to change the scenario.

This time, we've added the following.

Which house has the Germans in?

  • The German aircrew are in one of six houses. Hiding. Place a counter, randomly, with one to six in each building. Roll a d6, whichever house has that number contains the Germans.
  • If you're British, you must spend a turn in the house searching
  • Germans find the crew on the turn they move into the right house
  • As one of the men is wounded, the German airforce men can only move 6" a turn
  • The game winner is whoever controls the film at the end of the game
We'll let you know how it turns out.

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