Wednesday 27 January 2016

Siege of Gondor - Part 1.

So, today is my first post in my new project, replaying the Siege of Gondor. Many years ago, I was able to take part in a large scale game of Helms Deep that looked like this
The forces of Isengard are unleashed
Forth Eorlings
This game was played over an entire Wednesday, between my regular gaming opponents Terry and John. It was a lot of fun, and ever since I've always wanted to do the next big battle in the Lord of the Rings, Minas Tirith. To do this, I want to use the Hail Caesar rules as they would allow us for more troops. Whether this game ever happens is another matter, but a man can use it to help paint through his lead mountain.

And so, I've found myself a good place to start. Back in 2004, just after the release of the Return of the King, Games Workshop brought out the Siege of Gondor source book. So, as I'm now only two models away from having the required amount to play each scenario I decided to start painting my way though this book to help me on my way.

But, to make it more challenging. Instead of just painting enough models to fulfil each scenario's requirements. I am going to paint every single model I have of that miniature. For example, scenario 1, requires me to have painted 8 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Sword and Shield. I will make sure that all 26, that I own, are painted and based. 

So where to begin. Well the first model, for scenario 1, is Boromir of the White Tower. I originally purchased the model upon it's release in 2004, and it was undercoated and started to be painted, but was never finished. Time to get that sorted. I dug through my pile of unpainted models, and found him. 

A good start. His armour had been painted, as well as the flesh. It wasn't in the best of conditions, but the flesh would be passable, and so I sat down to repaint him. I did a quick google search and hunted down my copy of White Dwarf 263 to find the original painting guide for Boromir and set off painting. and here is the finished result.

Sorry for the poor condition of the photo, but I'm happy with the model and it takes my completed models to 104 for the year. Having only brought 14 models, this is a good thing. This year, I'm aiming to paint enough models to have 4000 painted models, which i'm about 500 away from doing so. Easily doable.

Anyway, back to Boromir. This model painted quickly enough, taking about an hour to do from start to finish. It's not one of my favourite models produced for the range, I think this is due to the thickness of Boromir's banner, but it's now done and I can move onto the next subject. Faramir. It's not mentioned in the Siege of Gondor book which version of Faramir to use. The ranger or the armoured version. I think I have an armoured version to finish off, so that's the one to do.

Tonight, I should get another Star Wars Armada battle in, so keep an eye out for the battle report coming up soon.