Sunday 13 March 2016

Romanic civil war

So it's been a while since I posted. This is due to a bout of Nurgle's rot which saw me miss a Wednesday, which was a shame. However, I was back there this week and I clashed with Jim on a Roman vs Roman battle.
Romans lining up

It was a straight line up with a division a piece. I had a mixture of Legionnaires, with one unit upgraded to be veterans, with a few auxiliaries in the form of a unit of archers, which you can see to the right, and a unit of cavalry. 

Jim's force was similar in nature to mine, but instead of cavalry, he took some artillery. The opening phases saw us both moving forward. Our archers and artillery taking some early pot shots, but not doing anything of note.

Time to have em.
 As you can see from the photo above I was able to get the charge on Jim and combat ensued. I'm sorry to say that the dice  were not favourable to me, and Jim won the combat. I managed to hold my ground, but my forces were starting to wobble.
Cavalry to the rescue.

However, in my fourth turn, I made my game-winning charge. Charging my cavalry into the flank of Jim's supporting units. This is where our practice games came into use. Mistakenly, I had nominated the cavalry to charge and fight the unit, not supporting the combat to the right. A mistake on my part. However, the dice, fickle as they are, smiled upon me and I managed to wipe out Jim's unit.

This allowed me to take a sweeping advance into the other unit. Feeling confident I rolled, the dice and it looked good. However, Jim's dice rolls were better than mine, and my cavalry unit retreated allowing Jim to support the sprawling messy combat to the right. My plan had been good and had succeeded in part. However, by not tieing up the unit in combat, left it free to support a combat. With that, we rolled the dice and my units disappeared, give Jim the game.

It was an enjoyable game and though I tried my best, the dice were not in my favour. They were just not able to get the rolls I needed. Having the practice game's has been a good thing and left me ready for our upcoming Saturday gaming day, where if you go down to the Teuteberg Forest you'll surely be in for a surprise.

Now, I'm off to watch the Rugby. Come on Scotland, let's beat the French.

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