Monday 14 March 2016

Wargaming needs

In an issue of White Dwarf, many moons ago, I remember one of the better freelance contributors, Mike Walker, once described new models like this.

"There are two types of new models. Those that you have to rush out immediately to buy, and those that you will buy shortly"

I'm paraphrasing there as I can't find the issue with the original quote, but for me, it's very true. I want lots and lots of models, and if I had the money, I would be living with a lot more models, than I currently own.

Why am I talking about this, well it's been a reasonably busy week on the painting front. On Saturday, we were due to play the first scenario in the Hail Ceaser supplement, Germania. This was the battle of Tuteburg and a write-up of this scenario will follow shortly. As in all of our big battles, we all bring enough units to play the games and have some fun. At short notice, one of our players dropped out and we were suddenly a few Roman units short. Out came the brushes and I set about painting up a unit of Roman Veterans.

Despite being struck with nurgle's rot I managed to get a unit of 16 painted up. I tried something that I had never done before, painted up without having undercoated the models. I remember the great painter Gareth Hamilton's Skaven army from many years ago, which led me to buy a Skaven army, painted without a base coat. It had a few challenges such as having to make sure that all areas were covered so that none of the plastic grey would show through.

I'm sorry for the lack of pictures in this post, but why am I rabbiting on about needs. Well during that week, between painting and applying for jobs, I picked up two warhammer supplements. Nagash, from the End of times series and Age of Sigmar book one, Age of Sigmar.

I'd deal with the Age of Sigmar first, I've been reading an awesome blog about playing through Age of Sigmar, and this rekindelled my love affiar with Warhammer.

Lot's has been said and done on Age of Sigmar, even a man burning his army. I'm going to say this the Age of Sigmar is an intresting rule set and allows me to play more narrative scenarios instead of just a line up and fight, however I do miss the background of Warhammer. Unlike an intresting series of comments on Gav's Thorpes blog after talking about his recent Age of Sigmar book, where people call the Age of Sigmar background as devised by the Games Workshop marketing team. I like the Age of Sigmar background and models, but it does need some more back ground, which is coming.

Now, at the same time I won Nagash off eBay for a decent price for the hardback version of the book. I have to say that this set is amazing. I've only dipped into the fluff book, and I have to say that after reading the Age of Sigmar which had lots of fluff but it was slightly on the lighter side, this book was packed.

What I've spent most of my time reading is the rules supplement. It's jam packed with new monsters such as Nagash and his Mortrearchs. Scenarios to represent the battles mentioned in the fluff. It's this last segment that's made me want to get back into WFB and get my Undead, Bretonnians, Skaven, High Elves, Dwarfs, Empire and Chaos out and get painting new units and repainting old models.

Which brings me back to my original point. I'm very much of a hobby butterfly and I want everything. So watch the blog as I get the Undead out of retirment.

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