Thursday 24 November 2016

Happy Birthday Doctor Who

So, it has been a long time since I blogged, but we’re back and with the first game played using the new Doctor Who models from Warlord Games.

Terry's awesome modular terain
Now, Warlord are developing a game which has all the fun of a skirmish style battle game, as well as a narrative based scenario game. This latter option I’m the most looking forward to. However, to celebrate Doctor Who’s 53rd birthday, my friend Terry and I played a game using the Terminator rules system also from Warlord. A few tweeks here and there, such as no using Time Agents. Mainly because when you have the Doctor, who needs Captain Jack. And we rechristened the special rule ‘Asta la Vista’ to ‘Allonz Zee’ or Gerinamio. Take you pick.

I’m a big fan of the terminator rules, it’s a fun, innovative system, similar to the LOTR SBG that I love. There are a few issues such as lack of choice in forces (endo’s or resistance) and it’s very hard to kill Terminators. But Terry made some adaptations and I arrived with a Doctor (12th Doctor armed with sonic shades and a guitar) and Clara to find out what lay before me

UNIT ready to burst in.
As I began the game, all I knew was that somewhere in the enemy base was Clara. She had been kidnapped, and hidden somewhere inside the early 21st century base. The Doctor has enlisted the help of Unit and as the game begins I know not who the enemy is, or where Clara has been located.

The Game.

This is my timey-wimey detector.
It goes ding when there's stuff.
I arrived in, and kicking of the action, the Doctor ran in with the Unit troops, shouting for Clara and brandishing his shades around. Distracted by a large glowing machine, he turned away from the Unit Troops and began to investigate. Alerted by the presence of alien technology (the shades) an Alarm rang out and their an ominous rumble as somewhere deep below lifts began to arrive. More Unit troops led by Captain Benton, codename Greyhound five, ran in from all angles, ready to fight the aliens and win back Clara at any cost.

The lift’s open and two Daleks filed out. Terry, had not told me what enemy I was going to be facing, and so it was a pleasant surprise when they rumbled out. The air was filled with the sounds of Exterminate, Exterminate. Daleks are very singular in their attitudes to others. More Unit troops poured in and started raining bullet after bullet into the Daleks, but to little luck. One dalek was quickly destroyed, obviously one unit trooper had brought some dalekanium or Teflon bullets to stop them. However, his destroyed remains was quickly shunted out of the way.

Due to a combination of my bad dice rolling and Daleks been very hard to kill, see my point about terminators, the Unit troops found themselves quickly being massacred, whilst the Dr went out on his own, shouting for Clara, and coldly ignoring the plight of the Unit Troops. Perhaps he’s not a good man after all. The highlight of the mid part of the battle was one Dalek being wounded enough for a Unit trooper to try and kill him in using the Gerinomo rule (see above). Only to find that he had brought a butter knife instead of his dalek killing knife. Silly error.

Sonic Shades
Clara, there you are
As the Doctor got to the chest that contained his lost companion, the last unit trooper died, and the Daleks turned on their ultimate foe, the oncoming storm. One dalek, tried to block the Doctor’s escape plan. One very 1960’s combat phase later the Dalek was sent rolling backwards for Clara to make her escape. Winning Iniative Terry tried to kill the Doctor, in a hail of lazer fire to miss. One quick exit left, and the Doctor and Clara were safe.

Terry and I had a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed it. Even if I couldn’t kill Daleks. I’m looking forward to Warlord releasing their plastic daleks, cybermen and Unit troops soon. Come on guys,

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