Friday 15 January 2016

First battle in Space

So Wednesday night saw the first game of the year, and Jim and I took to the stars to play another game of Star Wars Armada. This is the third game that I’ve played and the second for Jim. I really like this game and it has a great positive in the fact that all of the ships come pre-painted, however, the rule book is a bit messy and could be presented better. But the rules are good, and I can buy a Star Destroyer, so I can let it slide. 

However, in the immortal of Benny, from the Lego Movie. Spaceships.

The fleets square of.
So, Jim took the forces of the Empire, with one Victory Class Star Destroyer, a Gladiator-class Star Destroyer, and an Imperial Raider. All of which were backed up by six Tie Fighter squadrons. I was playing the forces of the Rebellion and had a mark two Assault Frigate, two Nebulon B Frigates and a CR90 Corvette. These were backed up with four X-Wing squadrons.

So, turn one began and for both sides it was a matter of igniting the engines and sending the fleet forwards. All of the ships were out of range at the moment and so turn one ended quickly.
Going first, I send forward one of the Nebulon B and brought it into firing range. However, Jim’s fleet were still out of range. 

Jim responded by sending his raider forward, guns blazing, reducing my Nebulon B’s shield to nothing. I responded by sending the Assault Frigate forward,  responding in kind to Jim’s raider and targeting the Victory Class Star Destroyer.

Jim then moved in the Victory and inflicted heavy damage on my Nebulon B Frigate, leaving it limping forward. The remainder of the turn saw us trading shots with each other, I managed to take out one of this Tie Fighter Squadrons. 

Wait until you see the white of their eyes.
The third turn began and with some bad news for Jim as his Raider was destroyed under a withering barrage of fire from the Nebulon B Frigate and the Assault Frigate. It took a bit of doing, as my dice kept coming up blanks. But I got there. However, Jim was able to devastate the Nebulon B bringing it close enough to destruction, but it was still in there.

The fourth and final turn began and Jim finally was able to destroy the severely wounded Nebulon B Frigate. With a final barrage from the X-Wings destroying another of Jim's tie fighter squadrons. I had destroyed one frigate and two squadrons. Jim, in return, destroyed one of my frigates and X-Wing squadrons. We called it a minor victory to me, which was a good way to start the New Year. 

Next week, I'll be playing my friend Ben and we'll see how it goes again. 

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