Friday 15 January 2016

Quick Update

So, as I attended my first Wednesday night gathering, I discovered that my good friend, and regular opponent, Jim has started a blog. Head over, the link is over in the left side of the site and it's Wednesday Night Warlords. Good times.

I popped over to Warlord on Tuesday and picked up the first models from the new models in the Savage Core range. I feel in love with the Cro-Magons. I picked up the three blister. One chief, and six warriors. I love these models and I am looking forward to painting them up shortly.

I also feel and picked up my first Gates of Antares models. The Concord strike team. Again, I'm looking forward to painting them up. However, I've discovered that I've purchased wrongly. Today, Warlord previewed there Ghar Command Crawler and I've fallen in love. I have to have me one of those.

That's all for now. Next time, another update on my Bosworth project.

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