Wednesday 11 March 2020

Taking Bardia

Another week, and another game in the Desert Campaign. This time, I would be the brits, trying to take the fort from Terry's Italians. Having seen how Terry had attempted to retake the fort. I took four squads. My plan was to use them to try and capture the various objectives, and two matilda's and a Vickers, to run rampant and destroy as much as they could. I also took an Artillery observer and a mortar. The Artillery Observer was risky, considering how poorly Terry did in the previous game wiping out two of his own units, but we'd see how they did.

Well, the game proved the old adage "a plan only lasts until it makes contact with the enemy" true. Instead of going for the two objectives nearing me and the big one in the middle, I sent a squad up to the objective in the top of the table. The game came to an end, at the end of turn 6, which meant that the objective was still being contested by a single man from one of Terry's squad that I had failed to wipe out. 

However, on the flip side, the tanks did a great job. I lost the Vickers, having moved across the whole of the board, to a well place mortar shell, but the Matilda's did their job, as long as the Vickers, were able to do plenty of damage, the Vickers even took our Terry's very large, truck-mounted artillery piece. Being able to take two of the tanks was really quite fun, though they were unable to destroy the Autobalinda, that had snuck down the side of the board, and putting fire onto one of my objectives hogging squads. 
In the end, as I was unable to gain control of the main obejctive, in the middle of the table, the game was a draw.
The next game, is back to tanks which I can't wait for.

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