Monday 3 February 2020

Napoleonics again

So, our penultimate game of Napoleonic’s occurred last Wednesday and I don’t really have a lot to write up as from my point of view, the game was very one-sided. I was deploying against Terry’s French this week, and I had my traditional division of 4 line units and cannons. The Cavalry had been deployed elsewhere on the table this week. 
Wining the role to go first, I advanced forward and ended up with my units quite far forward, and a little surround by Terry’s forces. However, despite getting a couple of hits, mostly saved, he wasn’t able to disorder me, and so I was able to charge into combat. Combat went in my favour, but the highlight came in the next turn.
Terry had reordered his troops so that the Guard was to the fore. I, feeling foolish, brave, rash, insert your own word for stupidity, charged forward under initiative, and through a combination of good dice rolling, need 3+ to hit and having a single reroll in the first round of combat, I was able to inflict 5 wounds on Terry's unit. He rolled to save and came up with five ones.  Terry then promptly failed his test, and the unit fled. 
The battle carried on for a few more turns, and I broke Terry, however, his units were locked into combat, and so were not retreating. Which, as the combat’s carried on for several turns more I also subsequently broke, before I was able to rally my troops. Terry, was unlucky, the dice were not with him that night, and he really could have done better. However, on the flip side, I'm learning that Combat is our thing, and it's important to get the charge.
I'm really liking playing with the Russians, and it's gotten me hooked on Napoleonic's again. I need to get some other regiments. I've got two units of Jagers to paint, and now I want to get my own division of cavalry. So many projects, so little time.

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