Saturday 25 January 2020

Decision has been made

 So, in a previous post I was talking abut new year, new armies, and I was dithering between Eldar and Chaos Space Marines. 

So a decision has been made. 
Chaos Space Marines. 
Now, I would love to claim that after long deliberation of the pros and cons of each army that I’ve made a decsions. Nope, I’ve been attracted by the fact that I really like the look of Chaos Space Marines. 
Not the Horus Heresy, but that’s going to happen as well, I’m going to making a Chaos Space Marines. Now I’ve got to come up with a paintjob and a background for the army. It might be one of the Legions, maybe Night Lords of Alpha Legion, or maybe my own group of rebellious marines. 
I’m looking at the Vengence Warband on the GW warband. It will give me a good core of an army. One unit of Marines, Havoks and Terminators. Plus, a Lord and a Rhino. I’ve already got a unit of terminators, from the last time I started Chaos Space Marines and a terminator armoured Lord with Lightning Claws. I can use the second model to make a more shooty option maybe. 
I need to get a second squad of Chaos Space Marins, and a Maulerfiend or Forgefiend. A Helldrake looks fun, but it looks a pain to paint.
So, the forces of the Imperium are going to burn, before the onslaught of the Dark Gods. 
Sorry for the lack of pictures. 

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