Monday 20 January 2020

Wednesday Night gaming

The French
So another Wednesday, and another chance to break out the Russians for a game of Black Powder. This time, I borrowed a unit of Russian Kossacks, from John, to add to the four-line regiments and battery of 12 pounders, that I’ve previously used. 
This time I was facing Jim, and he had a similar number of French, and divisions of Dragoons. John and I won the first turn and this time I had set my units up in the attack column. Shooting, as I have previously said, is not the strongest point for Russians. So, the attack column is worth it. Extra +1 to moving and in Morale saves is a price worth paying. 
So, I advance forward and did a bit of damage with the cannons. Then Jim advance, attempting to box me in. I thought he was going to some serious damage with his shooting, but due to some bad dice rolls, I was let off.
Charging forward in attack column
And then I began to charge in, over a period of two turns, I charged three units in, and with John moving one of his line regiments in, I was also being supported quite well. The combats, for the majority, went in my favor. However, despite Jim’s awful dice rolling he kept passing his moral tests. 
I foolish allowed one of my units to get charged in the flank, Jim’s dice rolling was, once again, poor and so I not only survived but was able to beat off his attack, and then follow up into combat with his regiment that had previously formed square. 
Ultimately, through the combats, I was able to break Jim. I did lose two regiments in process and the others were close to breaking but were locked into combats with Jim. These units were finally broken, but I still feel the victory was mine.
Le crunch
The cavalry kept failing their command tests and so their first, and the only action of the game was to countercharge against Jim’s dragoons, where they got driven off and slaughtered. Not a great impression. I blame them for being John’s models or nor being painted. J
So, looking forward, the attack column is most definitely the way forward for Russian units. It helps them move and survive better in combat, so when we get to Durstien, this is the way forward, I think. I also, now want to paint more Russians. 

Here's as photo of my Cannons being painted. Lovely models, from the Perry's.

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