Tuesday 28 January 2020

Future Big Games

With our Battle of Durstien approaching, my thinking is moving towards the next of our big games. We’ve got a few planned. An ancient Dark Age battle featuring Saxons and Vikings, the Battle of Albuera, a Napolenic battle from May 1811. The Battle for Pelannor Fields and a WW2 Desert battle. 

Painted tanks and armoured vehicles
Terry and I are working through the Western Desert Campaign book and I suggested it would be nice to do a big game, with lots of tanks on a big table. This would allow for some long range pots shots from Anti Tank artillery pieces. 

I’m currently drafting up a scenario, that will see a combined force of German and Italians attempting to capture a number of British held objectives. I’m thinking a radio stations, water or oil encampment and somewhere with some top secret plans. 

Which means, I need to get painting and buying tanks.

So far, I’ve got the following

 3x CV33 Tankettes
1 x M13/39
1 x M14/40

Italians on the work bench
I want to get another one of each of the M13’s for the desert campaign. I also want to get some Trucks and an Autobilinda. As well as another of the M13's

3 X Matilda’s 2
2x A10
3x Vickers mark VIB
3x Humber CS9
2x Rolls Royce

It's a good start, and I want to add some more. A couple of A9 and A13's. Some Crusaders mark 1 and 2 and the M3 Honey. 

As well as that I'm painting up troops to carry on the campaign against. I've got an Italian force from Warlord Games, which I'm not enjoying painting up. The models are poorly cast, and sculpted which is making them not so fun to paint. 

I've also got a British Army from Perry Miniatures, and I'm looking forward to painting them. When they get built. I'll keep you updated on how things are going. 

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