Wednesday 22 January 2020

Back into the Desert

So following up from the previous week’s victory, it was time to switch sides and play the British in the first scenario, Frontier Battle. To play this I took 3 Humber CS9 and 2 Rolls. Three ten man squads with LMGs in Trucks. All backed up by a MMG in a Bren Carrier. 

I think this, will do me well.

Turn 1:
As the flare went up, and the enemy spotted, we raced forward. The majority of this turn was taken up with getting troops on the board. I pulled up my CS9’s in the centre. I had a squad on the left taking cover in middle. On the right, another squad took the flank. In the middle, a third squad moved forward, ready to charge forward and take a postion in the centre. 
Paint is coming

Opposite me were a number of Tankette’s. Some had double machine gun, a couple with anti tank rifles and scarily. Two had flamethrowers. Terry, got the best of the shooting, and three of my units. The squad on the left and the right, took two pin markers, as well as one of the CS9’s in the middle. Finally, pouring out of Terry’s trucks were two squads, an Elefantino and a MMG, which all took postion.

The flare gave out, and everything went dark as we went into the second turn.  

Turn 2: 
As the darkness descended, this boded well for me as Terry got the majority of his dice early on, and manouvered his vehicles forward. Not being able to get decent rolls on his visision rolls. I was able to move forward my truck on the left, to protect the squad from the impending Flamethrowe armed tankette.

Terry then moved the aforementioned flamethrower and flamed the truck to death. However, an advantage for me, it quickly ran out of fuel and began to limp it’s way homewards. More annoyingly, I wouldn’t be claiming any victory points for it. 

Finally, in the centre, Terry moved one of his Tankettes forward, and in response, I moved forward my CS9 forward and opened fire. However, I missed. In response, Terry moved another anti tank rifle and opened fire. Imobilising my CS9, gaining him victory points. 

In the lastfew dice roll, I ran forward my truck in the centre and pulled up in front of the Bagsarili, and then remembered, if I ran my truck, the squad in the centre wouldn’t be able to charge in. 


The turn ended with the flares going up again. 

Turn 3:
I got the first dice of the turn, and my squad charged in against the Bagsilarie and died. They managed to kill two of the seven men out. Terry, killed five, winning the combat. On the left flank, two twin machine guns armed Tankettes, charged forward and opened fire on the squad. I went down, and lost a man. Meanwhile, on the other flank, the flamethrower came in and wiped out my squad. I had gone from three squads, to one heavily pinned and damaged squad. Whoops

In the centre of the table, the Tankettes began to change angle and move towards the CS9 and Rolls on the right of the centre. However, worse for me, the Bagelssaire moved forward, and charged the CS9, and wiped it out in a round of combat. 

Hum, things had turned against me. I was rolling poorly, and Terry was taking a commanding lead in the victory points. The only thing that was positive for me, was that the flamethrower tried to flame one of the Rolls Royce, and not only did it not hit, but it ran out of fuel, and began it’s way home. 

Turn 4:
On the right flank, my squad went down under a hail of Machine gun fire but despite the hail of fire, the squad survived. They may be pinned, but there fighting to stay in the game. 

IN the middle of the board, my commander, in a CS9, finally was able to pass a command test and moved forward and aimed a shot at the Anti Tank Rifle Tankette, and I missed. In response, Terry aimed his Tankette at my Rolls and immobilised it. 

Following on from this success, he turned the Bagisellir towards the Bren Carrier and charged in. However, they were not so successful and bounced off the Bren carrier. 

The flares came down and night descended again.

Turn 5:
With reducded visibility, I decided to through it all in, and attempted to charge the last squad at tankette to see if I can take it out in combat. However, I failed my dice roll. In response, Terry killed another two of the squad and added a pin. Taking their total to 6. 

In the middle, Terry tried to take out the Bren carrier, but despite another set of shots and around of combat, all he was able do was to drive it back. Which was great for me, as my machine gun could now see them, and it opened fire, killing two. 

On the right, my intact Rolls opened fire at Terry’s squad and killed another two. But they stuck around. 

Turn 6
The first dice was mine, and knowing that the game was not going to end well for me, I tried to charge the tankette with the last members of my squad. With six pins, I needed to pass a morale test on a 3. One roll of a 3 left and they attempted to charge in. I need to pass my tank fear test, and I rolled three and I was in. 

Until I failed to inflict any damage on the test (it was quite hard with three dice). The squad retreated and was then cut down into a hail of fire. It was worth a try. I then got another dice, and Terry’s Bagsellari squad was wiped out in the gunfire from the Machine Gun. 
The rest of the turn we traded fire, and Terry was able to wipe out the Bren Carrier, which had taken three turns to be destroyed and the game came to an end at this point. 

Terry had clearly won. 

Terry 18 victory points
David 4 victory points
Ouch, that’s all I can say. I don’t think I did anything wrong, but the dice were against me. I don’t the getting a number of pins, on squads on turn 1 helped me either. However, I gave a good go at it and was really happy that the squad that spent 5 turns pinned, were able to charge the tankettes, even if they did get wiped out.

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