Monday 20 January 2020

New Year, 2020

New year, new armies.
Over Christmas, I played my first game of Age of Sigmar, using the recently released Ossiarch Bonereapers. When these were previewed, I fell in love with them, and so as soon as they were released, I brought myself the Feast of Bones boxset, getting myself a good core of an army. I then purchased a Liege Kaveos and some more Mortek Guard.

The legion begins
I really liked the design of the Bonereapers. They reminded me of the Tomb Kings from the World that Was. I loved the idea that they are all constructs and they are unstoppable. The background to them is my favourite of all the new armies GW have released, and despite the fact there a pain to build, they are good looking. 
I don’t have any photos of the game. Jim brought Ogres to the table and massacred me. It was his first game, and my first for a long time, and it was good. I learnt that Necropolis Stalkers are good in combat. Their multi face rule is really good, I used it to do a serious amount of damage to Jim’s big Thundertusk. However, I made my favourite play, making mistakes, and ultimately lost the game. 

So, my next purchases are some more Necropolis Stalkers. These are good, and I want a unit of 3, on each flank. I also want another 10 Mortek Guard to bulk out the unit that came in the Feast of Bones boxset. I also want a third unit, most likely armed with spears, as I think this would be a good purchase. Following, that I’m not sure what next. One of the Harvesters would be nice, as they are awesome models as well as some Deathsriders as the models are fun. 
Copyright Games Workshop.
Also, I want one.
Then following the AoS trend, I’m going to get a new 40k arms as well. Jim is also up for playing 40K again, and with the release of the new Sisters of Battle in plastic, he will be growing the size of his Imperial Guard army. 
Which leaves me with a choice. What army to go for. It’s either Eldar or Chaos Space Marines. I’m
still undecided about which one to go. I’m liking the look of the Eldar at the moment, with the recent blood of the phoenix Physic awakening book and the plastic Howling Banshee’s these are a possibility.
However, I’ve always wanted to do a Chaos Space Marine army, and with the release of the amazing new Abaddon model last year, I’m thinking this is the army for me. I’m tempted to see if I can do it at cross purposes. I also want to do a Horus Heresy Army as well. I could use the plastic mark 3 and 4 armour designs to make myself a force that is compatible for two games. 
I’m thinking of either a Night Lord Force or Alpha Legion. That’ll will be another blog post.
Other projects I have on this year, I’ve already mentioned the Desert War in a previous post, and I’m busy painting Italians, Germans and British for that campaign. I brought myself into the kickstarter for Barons War run by Andy Hobday of Footsore Miniatures. I brought myself enough for a small Lion Rampant force with the following units
1 unit of 6 Mounted men at arms]
2 units of 12 men at arms
1 unit of 12 archers
1 unit of spearmen. 
And a trebuchet. 
Plus a variety of commanders such as William Marshall, and I’m good to go. I would like another unit of spearmen and archers, but will have to wait for them to come available again. 
I also want to add to the Mortal Gods unit’s that I’ve got and I’m looking forward to the mythic expansion hitting Kickstarter soon. I’ve got some Wood Elves for Warhammer to paint, which will make a nice change from all the other painting.  More Harry Potter models, and Star Wars Legion. Let alone all the other historical stuff to paint. 
Plus, a variety of Lord of the Rings stuff, which I’ll tease you with here, which will keep me busy for the following year(s) to come. I just hope that I can paint a lot more than I purchase this year. 

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