Friday 31 January 2020

Pelennor 2020 Jan update 1

So, after years of planning, we are moving forward to going for a large Pelennor Fields. I’m working on a scenario-based around one of the larger scenarios in War in Gondor. I’m not sure if we are going to be using a Hail Caesar variant or GW’s Middle Earth SBG and scaling it up for lots of models, but we’ll get there. 
In the meantime, I’m trying to paint up lots of models, so that we can have lots of models on the table. Quantity does have a quality of its own after all. I’ve created a spreadsheet of all the models that we could possibly use. I’ve got 97 models for the forces of Gondor still to paint, and 150 models for the forces of Mordor to paint. 
Black Guard of Barad Our
Warriors of Arnor, ready to fight
So, definitely doable, and I’m going to try to dedicate this year to painting models for this game. I’ll vary it up for some variety, but this is what I’ll be concentrating on. I’ve got a number of Fell Beasts and two mumaks to paint, as well lots of Riders of Rohan and Orcs to go.
So, January has been a quiet month, with only painting 8 models. 4 Warriors of Arnor, one that carries a banner. A Captain of Arnor and three Black Guard of Barad Dur. The Arnor models, I’m treating as a fiefdom that arrives with Aragorn on the corsair ships. The Black Guard are quite Uruk based, and so I’m just counting them as some sort of Uruks. 

Corsairs ready to go
February is going to be a shorter month as I’ve got a week of holiday, where I hope to build a lot, but I’m aiming to get through some Corsairs of Umbar. I’ve got 24, from when the models were originally released as well as the command models, including the Peter Jackson, look alike. I’m going to try and blitz my way through them as quickly as possible. 
In terms of models for the forces of Good. I’m going a little character-heavy. Gamling, Erkenbrand, Derowine, and Elrond’s sons, Elladan and Elrohir. For the latter, I’ve got the armoured and unarmoured versions and so I’m going to try and get them all painted.       
If, chance get’s I’ll try and get some Moria Goblins painted. Let’s see how it turns out. 
Ironically, as I started to write this post, the Battle for Pelennor Fields came on iTunes. Must be something there. 

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